My morning

Posted on: August 29, 2012

I always start off each day with the expectation that I will feel like I am in perfect health, never mind the rumbling in my stomach here and there. But then there are mornings like this. Last night I experienced what often occurs, particularly at night, and that’s little aches that wake me right up out of my sleep. I then tried, in vain, to find the right position to sleep in and get back to sleep. Eventually I found myself wide awake and squirming. It’s not utter pain, believe me. I’ve experienced almost all kinds on the threshold. No, it’s more like an annoying burning in my back that runs around to my stomach.

I knew when I woke up last night at around 4 or 5 in the morning and went into my mom’s room that the chances of the pain subsiding by work would be slim. Somehow I did manage to get a few winks in though. I’ve managed the art of sleeping in between the little aches. I’ll just look up sometimes and fifteen minutes will have passed and my eyes will feel like they were just in REM or pre-REM. But that didn’t change the ache. I had the tenderness in my stomach that I sometimes get that makes it hard to stand and walk. But I’m still at work today! Ay! I’m practicing some G-type behavior when I really wanted to softly call out. But It would be the 3rd time this month alone and I honestly worry about being perceived as lazy or faking it. This morning is so irritating though. When I stretch, I feel this annoying tension and soreness. I almost want to call them air pockets or bubbles, but I’m not quite sure. Last night I was fine the majority of the time I was sleeping, but then I started to get the weird dreams and the weird rationalizations for why I felt the way I did – and then I had to get up and take some pain meds.

But that’s my morning. I’m hoping for a better afternoon. Please, God, be better.

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